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The end of Italy

We’ve been on the road for almost three months with only one month remaining. How quickly time has passed.

In Florence we met up with familiar faces and saw incredible art. We met up with Simone, Chris’s barista friend from Australia who moved back to Italy, at his roastery for a cupping event. We sampled Simone’s beans, learned a few things Italian coffee culture and caught up. When I asked Simone about his logo, a sea turtle with a body of a coffee bean, he shared that his wish for those drinking his coffee was that they savored the cup and the expression of the bean without distraction. Similar to when you’re under water and see a sea turtle. Kind of like that one time I saw a sea turtle scuba diving in an ancient shipwreck off of Naxos. His explanation resonated with me and this trip. Experience the present. Be in the moment.

Additionally, we caught up with David and Hailey who were vacationing in Italy. We drank wine, ate dinner and found a wine window. David even checked a bag to bring my winter coat. Thanks David! It was a joy to see them on our trip. A little bit of home. The one museum we visited was the Uffizi. An art history course in college, a little more awareness and life experience made the visit more enriching.

After Florence we hopped on a train to Torino. My dad is obsessed with Torino and we were curious to see what it was about. Torino was stunning. We spent many hours along the river basking in the sun and admiring the colorful trees. On Thanksgiving we spiced things up and ate at a spud bar. It was like Thanksgiving dinner all piled on top of a baked potato. On the night prior to leaving, Simone shared happy news of a new establishment in Torino carrying his beans. Said establishment was having a grand opening which Chris and I attended to show our support. The party was happening and spilled into the streets. It was a fun evening.

Next we went to Milan. We strolled the streets, watched the Mexico vs. Argentina game, found a flea market by the canal and went up the Milan Cathedral. There was something about being at the top of the cathedral that brought out my fear of heights. I speculate it was where we were walking…roof vs. a beam. I was relieved to be back at ground level.

We’re in Bologna the next few nights before we head to Switzerland.

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